JOY comes in all shapes, sizes, colors and things. So many of us adults have not given ourselves permission to feel joy. Why is that??? On a scale of zero to 10, where does your JOY rank?
Children feel joyful and silly and know how to have fun without fear of being judged, until the adults tell them to behave and stop being so silly. Why do we do that??? Why do we put a kibosh on their silliness and fun? We could learn a great lesson from children at the end of this very serious year of 2020.
Why not allow ourselves to feel, express and experience joy in whatever way works for us? Imagine how it would feel if we didn’t worry about what other people thought of us? Would we be happier or more joyful?
Why not be silly and fun and joyful during this holiday season and into 2021? Will we feel better? Will we be healthier? Will we be happier?
Eat raw cookie dough with your friends, sit with a beverage in the sun without guilt of the sun’s rays, run and giggle without hesitancy, dance like nobody is watching, sing your heart out no matter how good or bad it may sound and enjoy your life… matter how old you are.
Allow yourself to be filled with JOY in whatever way that is for you. I know there are studies out there that show how happier people are healthier. Imagine how much healthier we would be if we allowed ourselves to feel JOY and be happy.
One of my intentions for 2021 is to take responsibility for my own JOY. My JOY and happiness meter is going to go through the roof in 2021. I’m going to be silly, if that’s what I want, and I’m not letting anyone put a kibosh on my progress. How about you? Want to feel JOY and happiness in 2021? Don’t we all deserve it?
Have a wonderful holiday, stay healthy and see you in 2021!